Section outline
Mastering the Basics – Means being able to put together a basic sentence and interact socially as concerns subjects dealing with for example, current affairs – understanding frequently used expressions in areas of immediate concern (personal information, close family, work, leisure).
This unit 0 of the «Percorso A1» will allow you to understand how the units work. All the units function in the same manner. First, you will find texts whose progressive difficulty will help you become more familiar with the language. Each text is followed by comprehension and text reconstruction exercises that will facilitate memorizing the vocabulary and the intuitive understanding of grammatical structures. Then, you will find observation sheets "Osserva la grammatica" and exercises to apply the presented structures. A video with oral comprehension and pronunciation exercises accompanies almost all the units.
In questa introduzione impariamo a riconoscere le espressioni per salutare, presentarti e congedarti e la differenza tra livello formale (LEI) e livello informale (TU).
In questa Unità 0 troverai: 3 dialoghi con esercizi, 4 esercizi di conferma delle strutture linguistiche, 4 mini-dialoghi di conferma delle strutture lessicali.
Pronuncia - Audio-Video con schemi e esercizi - I suoni C e Ch.-
Esercizi e Lessico